Whether you think of it as twin flame or sacred love, most people who are in this journey can relate that it can be truly transforming if you believe in it and open yourself to the energies of divine love. It will make you experience that there is more to what the human eyes can perceive. A reality completely unknown to the mind and unseen with the naked eye. Things like unbelievable synchronicities, telepathy and the presence of the soul of your divine lover lets you have a glimpse into the world of the spirit.
Even though the concept of twin flame is modern, there are some instances of twin flames that are ancient. For example - the divine love of Shiva and Shakti from which we can learn about the concept of the divine feminine and divine masculine.
If we keep aside the religious context and don't look at it through a religious lens, we can see that the concept of Shiva and Shakti doesn't always refer to the deities but the inner workings of our consciousness and the mind and how we can apply it to our own lives for the benefit of our well-being and others around us. It depicts how love can remove barriers and obstacles and how it has the potential to help you become the best version of yourself.
Because of focusing intensely on the emotion of love, the mind naturally develops psychic abilities like deeply feeling the feelings and emotions of your sacred lover. When we are too focused on our daily material life, these abilities remain latent and we don't give them much attention.
But after detaching ourselves from the distractions and by developing self restraint and discipline, we can explore the world of synchronicities and magnetism that pulls you even closer to your loved one.
Here's how this sacred love can help you in your daily life. Even if you don't believe in twin flames, tapping into and respecting the energy of love will work similarly.
1. Makes you incredibly patient
First of all, this intense and magnetic connection teaches us to be patient. We all know that patience is a virtue but in case of some situations, it can be very difficult to stay patient. The energy and the pain of separation and waiting for a reunion with your sacred partner can make you extremely patient and it will help you in all areas of life.
2. Victory from anger
This love can give you freedom from anger or reduce your anger to a great extent. Things that made you angry in the past, will have no effect on you whatsoever. Anger is considered as a major enemy that blocks your spiritual progress. In the ancient texts, an anger free state was considered as a great vow if you can stay consistent for months and years without getting angry even in situations that can have the potential to make you angry.
3. Lust free state
Taking the journey of spiritual love seriously completely eradicates your lust and you no longer have the tendency of lusting after things or thinking about other women. If you can stay true to your promise, you will gain extraordinary states of calmness, focus and strength that comes from within. Things that you used to fear or made you stressed will no longer have power over you. This ancient practice called Brahmacharya can also protect you from negative energies and psychic attacks from earthbound spirits, entities, witchcraft etc.
Maintain your energetic state so that negative energies in the forms of attacks bounces back without affecting you. When you open yourself to the spirit world, you become like a light that has the tendency to attract moths. So always be careful and don't reveal your strengths or weaknesses to other people. Ignoring your intuition can seriously hinder your progress.
If you can control your mind and transmute this energy, the journey becomes a lot easier and obstacles can be removed without a lot of struggle.
4. You learn to appreciate the joy of being alone
Being alone should not be termed as loneliness. In your moments of solitude, you get to learn and appreciate the beauty of life, of God or universe and truly savour the joys and states of bliss that life and the universe has to offer. Without anticipating anything, you become free from external desires and become content from within and that creates a newfound energy that helps in generating a new and improved version of yourself.
5. Strengthens your connection with God or universe
Call it God or universe, your bond with it increases manyfold. This transcendental love can connect you with your higher self and pure love that is not bound by distance, time and limiting beliefs and at a particular stage, you can sense your loved one on a soul level. If they're sad and longing, you'll feel those emotions too since the universe connects you both energetically and it makes the bond deeper and magnetic.
The spiritual bond of this mystical love not only helps in amplifying the mental abilities and soul connection but it truly transforms you on a deeper level which is very difficult to achieve even with hours of meditation. It becomes possible only because of this love that you have to respect and grow from within and by connecting with God.
6. Feelings of bliss
Bliss is what I like to call the other name of love energy. If you think of her just as a physical being that you're being separated from, you will only suffer. But if you go deeper into the soul, you will explore new states of being and that manifests into blissful moments.
For men, if you are someone who is disciplined and observes strict abstinence, you already know the ecstatic state that can come from focusing on love and doing meditation.
It can lead to spiritual awakenings, massive shifts and at times you can also feel the nectar of the crown chakra by becoming an Urdhvareta. Then you understand that love is more than just physical. It's a gift from God and this separation phase is just to prepare you to vibrate higher and if possible, serve and uplift humanity with your knowledge because service to humanity is service to God.
7. Helps you become a manifestation machine
As we begin to notice synchronicities, we slowly start to understand that by respecting the divine energies and maintaining certain states of mind for prolonged periods of time, we can make an impact on the physical elements. The saying mind over matter makes perfect sense in this case. What we know as alignment or manifestation is nothing but creating an impact on the elements because of intense focus on a particular goal that is created by the mind.
By purifying the mind with austerities like abstinence and developing kindness, gratitude and love for the current things you have in your life, you become more content than ever and this leads to even more happiness in our everyday life. As you begin to maintain that state of happiness all day, everyday, the universe can't help but bring to you more circumstances that make you happy and energetic and ready for the future. A new and uplifted version of yourself is created just by this practice.
From Neville Goddard to ancient yogis, every great soul has mentioned the concept of mind and its manifesting power. Neville calls it EIYPO (Everything is you pushed out). And ancient sages and yogis termed the practice of manifesting focused mental states with a particular intention into physical realities as Samyama.
With the intensity and beauty of this mystical love, the Earth can become your playground where God is your protector and coach. You just have to be open to the synchronicities and messages that the universe is always delivering to you and it will help you tread this path better.
8. Gives you access to advanced stages of yogic union
Ancient yoga, which is totally different from today's physical yoga, has always been about the development of the psychic abilities and progress towards soul knowledge.
As one progresses in yoga, they reach closer to the higher self by removing all the obstructions and thinning the veils that obscure the higher self.
And it requires a lot of discipline to reach those stages. What true love does is it makes the process easier and pure, than taking the path of rules and extreme austerities. Since we focus on the emotion of love and respect it, the flow works the same for the love of God.
Just like loving someone with all your heart makes you feel pure and one with nature, similarly the love energy connects us with God too since the intention and flow is similar, unconditional love without expecting any results.
This continuous flow of love unlocks your true potential and helps to overcome many kinds of obstacles that might appear in the spiritual path and makes us experience the divine connection with life, love and God.
9. Lets you know that you both are energetically connected
You might be in a phase of separation right now, but know that you two are always energetically and spiritually connected and this is the gift from the universe. The pain that you had to go through, the suffering and the trauma won't go to waste. These made you even stronger and gave you access to a world that few people get access to since most people don't like to face pain and lose faith in God when everything appears gloomy. But it's through pain and suffering that we get to experience this divine love and all the gifts that come with it.
This world of divine energies and spiritual guidance can completely change our outlook on life and if we know how to properly maintain certain states of mind by meditation and by properly channeling and managing our energy, we can actually understand, experience and appreciate the beauty of this love. You will be surprised with signs and synchronicities and shifts that will constantly occur in your life and will uplift you in every step.
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