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200 Things to Do Instead of Watching Porn

Things you can do instead of watching porn:

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There can be many reasons to quit porn. Whatever your reason is, if you want to succeed in your porn free journey, you have to keep your mind busy and content in other things at all times.

If you're abstaining from Porn, Masturbation and Ejaculation, you must have tried to quit porn many times. One of the main reasons people relapse is - they give in, because they had nothing to do at that time. That's why it's better to occupy your mind in things other than porn, so that you don't relapse and lose your hard-earned streak which you have gained after lots of attempts. So, if you ever watched porn because you had nothing to do and had the question on your mind - What can I do instead of watching porn? then you're at the right place. So let's get started.

1. Go for a run - If you can't go outside, jog at a slow pace inside your house.

2. Go for a walk.

3. Read a book. Get started with your new life with A Brand New You. Here are some more books to become the best version of yourself. 

4. Learn a new language.

5. Listen to a song.

6. Learn to play guitar. If possible, buy one if you don't have one. It will definitely help if you want to succeed in abstaining from any habit you want to avoid. When you are troubled by your urges, you just need to pick up your guitar and get absorbed in learning and playing it. You don't even need electricity to play an acoustic guitar. It's also better than online activities since your eyes get rest and you stay off the screen. 

Justin Guitar and Syngates are great sites for learning how to play the guitar. If you like to play songs by using tabs, you can use Tuxguitar. It's a free alternative to Guitar Pro.

Here's a simple tuner for tuning your guitar. ASCII Tabs can help you practice chord progressions, tablatures, scales and music theory.

Guitar Lessons 365 is a channel that you can follow to learn to play songs. 

Interactive fretboard - Become an expert of the fretboard!

JGuitar - Very useful tools for learning guitar

7. Meditate. Get started with some apps and make your meditation sessions fun and interesting.

8. Do yoga.

9. Do Pilates.

10. Clean your house.

11. Evoke different feelings of nostalgia with BitMidi.

Create your own MIDI songs with MIDI CITY 2000.

12. Watch the important videos from your YouTube Watch Later list.

13. Listen to reddit threads like a podcast with this tool.

14. Learn a new skill like cooking. If you already know how to cook, great! Make a dish!

15. Call your loved ones.

16. Write a handwritten letter for your loved one.

17. Go through your bookmarks that you haven't touched since bookmarked.

Memex is a great tool for bookmark management and more. 

If you have the habit of opening a lot of tabs, Tabby is another useful tool and is also free and open-source.

18. Capture some nice photos.

19. Focus on your breath. Breathe in and out for an extended period of time, say 1 hour or so.

You can also use apps for this activity. 

For Web - Box Breathing

For Android - Calmaria

Calmaria - For iOS

20. Write a short story.

21. Think about your sweet memories of the past. While doing that, if you feel sad because of some bitter memories, don't try to control it. Just let your thoughts flow. Doing this will make the mind free from fears, doubts and wavering thoughts.

22. Learn to knit. A place for getting started is VeryPink Knits. If you like socks or hats, Knitting Recipes is a good resource.

23. Take a new online course.

24. Write or create an e-book. Free tools that can help you - Sigil, Calibre.

25. Learn about lucid dreaming. 

25. Learn to dance.

26. Learn to sing.

27. Start a new blog. There are popular platforms for blogging like WordPress (.com or .org), but if you want to go through a learning curve, consider learning Hugo, Gatsby or Next.

28. Learn to code. Get started with The Odin Project.

29. Read reviews about items you are willing to buy - this will calm your urges and the time will pass and you can save your streak with this technique.

30. Learn to bake a cake, if you already know how to bake, then do it!

31. Go shopping and buy the required items.

32. Go to the park.

33. Go cycling.

34. Try to remember the names of the things you always try to remember but can't because you don't give enough time. For example, the name of a song you liked or a video you watched but forgot the name of the song or the video.

35. Try a new app for your phone.

36. Explore new places through Google Street View. If you love traveling, you can also try Drive and Listen and drive through cities from around the world while listening to local radio stations!

37. Learn Photoshop. If you use Linux, learn Gimp or Krita. If you don't have Photoshop, Photopea is a great and free alternative.

38. Learn about body language and how it can affect social interactions.

39. Learn to write business letters. This course can help you write letters and lots more. Learn more about business writing with this course.

40. Learn to save your devices from malware and spyware.

41. Learn to stay safe online. Get started with this course. Take this quiz by Google to get an idea on how to protect yourself from phishing, fraud, ransomware etc.

42. Check if your email has been compromised with this tool. Use strong and different passwords for different sites. Password managers can help.

43. Repair your inoperable electronics.

44. Go to the beach. If you don't have one nearby, you can use Outside Simulator for virtual tours.

45. Write an essay about some topic. This will improve your writing skills. Manuskript is a software that you can use for your writing work.

46. Learn touch typing. If you don't know how to type without looking at the keyboard and you want to type fast, see this and this post.

47. Learn ethical hacking.

48. Learn to play ukulele.

49. Organize your room.

50. Clean your bathroom.

51. Learn to make soaps and make some cool soaps! Get inspired by watching Soap Queen and Dean Wilson.

If you're a beginner, you can learn from the Soap Making Resource.

Soap Making Recipe Builder and Lye Calculator

52. Learn about web development. A place for getting started is freeCodeCamp.

App Academy is also great if you want a bootcamp feel.

53. Go through your to do list. Some good note-taking and to-do list apps that you can use for your daily workflow and productivity are -

Bundled Notes - Android

Dynalist - Web, Android, iOS

WorkFlowy - Web, Android, iOS 

If you want privacy-focused apps, you can use Standard Notes, Noteless or Silent Notes.

54. If you love the space, stars and the sky, you can try Stellarium.

55. Design a logo. Hatchful is a great and free logo generator. For more options, you can use the Canva Logo Maker.

56. If you're a Windows user, make a Live USB and try Linux without installing. It is much more customizable, privacy-focused and security-centric than Windows. If you're new to Linux, these courses can help:

Introduction to Linux

Fundamentals of Red Hat Enterprise Linux   

More free courses by The Linux Foundation can be found here.

You can check out the beauty of different Linux flavors by watching channels like Linux Scoop.

57. Archive your favorite content with Conifer. Organize your information and ideas with TiddlyWiki.

58. Complete your incomplete online courses.

59. Listen to live airport chatter and ambient music, with or without combination with Listen To The Clouds.

60. Explore Information Security. For courses, refer to this page.

61. Play with your mind, think of some happy thoughts and let it flow and don't try to control it. If you get urges to break the flow, don't break it. Instead, try to stay still. This technique will build up a lot of energy inside you which you can use to do something productive.

62. Observe the thoughts as different from you. You are not your thoughts, but far beyond them.

63. Take part in online typing tests and competitions. Nitro Type is a fun site to take part in typing competitions and it will also improve your typing skills. 

If you're into programming, web development or coding, Coderacer is a great website for improving your typing skills.

More typing games can be found here

To further improve your touch typing skills, you can practice on classic literature.

64. Learn Java so that you too can build Android apps. Here's a course to get started. You can also learn Kotlin to make Android apps.

Here are some free courses by Google itself -

Developing Android Apps with Kotlin

Advanced Android with Kotlin 
Kotlin Bootcamp for Programmers

Kotlin for Android Developers 

If you're interested in Android app development, you can find many free courses on Udacity, only the Nanodegrees are paid, otherwise the courses are free. 

But sometimes it becomes difficult to find the free courses, so here you can find the list of many free courses related to Android development, also includes interesting courses like Android Wear Development and Android Auto Development.

For generating screenshots and mockups for your apps, you can use App Mockup.

65. Learn chocolate making. A place to get started is Craft Chocolate TV.

66. Learn NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming).

67. Look outside your window. If it's daytime, feel the brightness of the daylight and let it flow through you and breathe deeply to take it all in. If it's night-time, look at the sky and imagine how vast the universe is.

68. Draw something. You can try Quick, Draw! for fun.

69. Play bongos like a bongo cat!

70. Listen to a podcast. To discover podcasts, you can use Listen Notes. Tsacdop is a good free and open-source podcast player.

71. Make a website for yourself. You can use Netlify to host your website for free. GitHub Pages, GitLab Pages, Bitbucket Pages, Vercel, Hostman and Surge is also good for free static site hosting. Or if you like to keep things simple, Neocities is another great and free option.

For contact forms for your static sites, you can use Form King.

72. Write a poem.

73. Make some salad.

74. Compose a piece of music using LMMS. You can also use Ardour.

For plug-ins for music production, you can use Calf Studio Gear.

75. Mix your songs by using Mixxx

76. Upload your mixes on Mixcloud

77. Write a song.

78. Compose a new guitar composition. For creating notations and tablatures, you can use Musescore.

79. Learn about music theory.

80. Paint your wall or decorate with stickers.

81. Build a USB powered fan or A/C, like this one.

82. Decorate your room with LEDs.

83. Light some candles. Make your own beautiful candles if you want. Candle Tech is a good website for getting started.

84. Prepare dinner for your loved one.

85. Learn to swim and go swimming. Freestyle is one of the most beautiful strokes but most people breathe incorrectly. Here's the proper way to breathe in freestyle swimming - 

Breathing technique by Bob Bowman   

You can further improve your freestyle technique by watching and learning from the videos below:

Freestyle - Medium Pace  

Freestyle - Slow Pace  

Freestyle - Fast Pace

86. Learn back-end web development. A place to get started is Full Stack Open. Stay updated with Channel 9.

87. Make a handkerchief.

88. Start a new online business. 

If you want to make beautiful websites or web apps for your web projects or business but don't want to write code or hire developers, you can use Webflow or Bubble.

You can learn more about Webflow at the University of Webflow.

To get your designs done without hiring designers, you can use Canva
To get an idea on how to start an online business yourself, you can take this course:

How to Run a One-Person Online Business 

89. Learn to make PWAs (Progressive Web Apps). Here's an introductory course by Google.

90. Answer questions on online forums.

91. Help others who want to live a porn free life.

92. Play and learn about musical scales from around the world with Omni.

93. Learn to build an amplifier.

94. Learn electronics and build some cool things. You can get ideas from the website Instructables. You will find lots of great project ideas from this site.

95. Learn about cyber security. Get started with Cybrary, Professor Messer and Roppers Academy.

96. Learn to protect yourself from ransomware and phishing.

97. Make your own Subwoofer.

98. Learn about Raspberry Pi and build some awesome things with it.

Start your journey with Raspberry Pi with this course. More courses by the Raspberry Pi Foundation such as building robots with Raspberry Pi etc. can be found here.

More cool projects can be found here.

99. Study communication skills.

100. Become an Internet entrepreneur. Learn how to become one. A place to learn and get inspired is Indie Hackers.

101. Do and make something to change the world.

102. Learn negotiation skills.

103. Learn digital marketing. Here are some courses by Google to get going.

104. Make a new twitter account and start tweeting about your new discoveries.

105. Learn to biohack yourself.

106. Stay silent for as long as you can. Silence your mind too. You'll get better with time and will connect with your higher self.

107. Explore various cultures, museums and more with Google Arts & Culture. You can also explore the hidden worlds of National Parks here.

108. Learn photography and capture great photos. For in-depth learning about photography and cameras, you can take this course.

109. Make a SoundCloud account and post your music.

110. Discover new online radio stations. Get started with the Shoutcast directory, Internet Radio and the Icecast directory.

If you love non-mainstream and independent music, you can use Earbits for music discovery. They also have apps for Android and iOS.

111. Learn about how to start an online radio station yourself if you want to. If you don't want to go into technical complications and don't want to pay for server costs, licensing etc., you can use Zeno FM.

112. Go motorcycle riding. Learn to ride a motorcycle if you don't know already, it's way more fun than walking or driving.

If you're into meditation as well as motorcycles, the videos by Just My Hobbies and Schaaf can provide calming effects to the mind.

If you love riding, exploration of beautiful places and just love nature altogether, Alaska John is a great channel to binge-watch.

113. Explore nature photography. For editing and processing your photos, you can use RawTherapee and darktable.

114. Learn music in a fun way.

115. Do some ab exercises.

116. Try to learn as many things as you can in a day.

117. Don't worry if you sleep less - you will get lots of free time and you'll be able to accomplish a lot. If you stop watching porn and stay away from anger, addictive behaviors and anxious thoughts, you will feel fresh and energetic even with less sleep.

118. Learn to make ice cream.

119. Read your important emails.

120. Listen to soothing rain sounds.

121. Learn to value time. It's the most valuable thing you get for free.

122. Make a smoothie. You can learn from The Smoothie Channel.

123. Make some cookies.

124. Become an advanced Google searcher with Power Searching with Google.

You can also follow Daniel Russell's blog to further improve your search skills.

125. Design some prints/artworks for your t-shirts.

If you love design and patterns, Sublte Patterns is a good resource to use for your web projects. If you want to make patterns yourself, you can use Patterninja or Patternico.

126. Learn about e-commerce businesses.

127. Learn supply chain management.

128. Learn Excel.

129. Learn to discipline yourself everyday.

130. Try to learn new things everyday. It can be new skills or just working on your current skill set.

If you're interested in developing digital skills and also want to get certified, Google Skillshop has got your back.

131. Search up the nutrient content of your foods.

132. Prepare vegetable soup.

133. Do gardening. If you don't have a garden, plant indoor plants and eatable fruit and vegetable plants, chili peppers for example.

134. Discover new music from Playlist Star.

135. Go for an adventure.

136. Plan for your next trip.

137. Wash your clothes.

138. Feed some birds.

139. Dive deep into the world of tech and learn more from the experts of technology and web entrepreneurs by watching Cloudflare TV.

140. Learn to make cool decorative lights from scratch.

141. Make your own webpage. Marksheet can help you learn if you are a beginner.

142. After learning HTML and CSS, learn JavaScript to develop and design interactive websites. Get started with the JavaScript Fundamentals

For music for your web projects, you can use Unminus

Packt Publishing offers a free tech eBook daily. You can collect it from this page.

143. Help people online with your skills.

144. Heal and rejuvenate yourself with Gong Meditation.

145. Keep the mind calm. Try to not think of anything and don't fall asleep. You'll soon start to take control of your thoughts and emotions.

146. Develop a writing habit everyday. 

If you love writing and want to keep your posts private for free, you can use 750 Words.

147. Create your own soundscapes with beautiful animations here.

148. Learn typography. Type Terms can help you learn the basics.

149. Learn to make cool things out of paper. Get started with Happy Folding.

150. Make noodles, but this time make it different.

151. Learn KiCad - it'll be useful for your DIY (Do It Yourself) electronic projects.

152. Learn some card tricks. You can learn from The Card Trick Teacher.

153. Learn to make Gelato. You can use this recipe by Sophia from Nonna's Gelato.

154. Learn to make gummy bears.

155. Learn home automation and turn your home into a smart home!

156. Start your journey of fiction writing with the help of this course.

157. Learn to tie a tie. (Different knots)

158. Learn what the world is in need of right now, and make it possible if you can. That's how most successful businesses start.

159. Discover or create new applets (formerly recipes) on IFTTT.

160. Learn how to bake bread.

161. Learn how to make pizza all by yourself, at home.

162. Learn to repair mobile phones.

163. Make digital art and painting. Tools that can help you - Inkscape, MyPaint. If you're on KDE, you can use KolourPaint.

164. Learn to fix leaking faucets.

165. Learn to fix a car.

166. Make an item (electronic or anything) yourself and gift it to your loved one.

167. Listen to ambient music. It helps to calm the mind. Listening to it daily will make you less stressful, day by day.

Get started with Tonepoet and Low Light Mixes. They also provide high quality audio downloads for your listening pleasure, so that you can listen to the mixes anytime and anywhere.

If you love variety, you can use myNoise - Web, Android, iOS

168. Change your mobile phone and computer wallpaper.

169. Learn about online privacy and why it's important. Note that knowing and reading a lot about online privacy can make you anxious. So it's better to not worry a lot, but be aware. 

You can take these courses to get an idea about privacy and its importance:

Digital Footprint  

Social Media - What No One Has Told You About Privacy  

To learn more about privacy and digital security, you can listen to The Privacy, Security and Open-Source Intelligence Show.

170. Watch inspiring documentaries.

171. Hang out on the sunniest spot on the internet - Poolside FM

172. Plan which perfume to buy next time.

173. Make a sketch of a car using your own design ideas.

174. Watch driving skill videos. If you're into meditation as well as cars, the videos by Überholspur, Winding Road Magazine and The Topher can provide relaxing effects to the mind.

If you're into trucks, the videos by Driving Bro and Kristo Boginski can take you into meditative states effortlessly.

175. Learn how to ride a motorcycle safely. A place to get started is MCrider.

176. Do some dumbbell workouts at home.

177. Watch motivational videos and try to keep that motivated mindset every single day.

178. Plan what to give your loved ones on their next birthday.

179. Practice handwriting skills to improve your handwriting.

180. Teach people the skills you know through YouTube and websites. You can use OBS Studio for video recording and live streaming.

181. Sing a cover of a song.

182. Make a Vlog or any kind of video. For editing the videos, you can use Shotcut or OpenShot.

183. Listen to blissful beats on Loft Radio.

184. Plan your next adventure.

185. Improve your EDM knowledge with this quiz game.

186. Learn motorcycle skills. Get started with MotoJitsu and Lexco Moto Gymkhana.

187. Learn to repair a computer.

188. Start a podcast. Sounder FM provides hosting and more for free.

189. Improve your typing skills with this fun game.

190. Learn to make attractive presentations.

191. Learn Copywriting.

192. Learn Speed Reading. Here are some Chrome extensions to get started.

193. Learn to play the piano.

194. Learn about mindfulness. Here's a free course by Rice University.

195. Learn how to write excellent professional emails.

196. Discover new web apps to make your daily life easier.

197. Make a card for your loved one.

198. Do rope skipping.

199. Imagine what you could have accomplished if you had stopped watching porn a few years ago.

200. Practice maintaining your energy streak. The days when you were free from porn, masturbation and ejaculation were the days when you had a certain mindset, a positive, happy one. Practice to maintain that mindset everyday.

Just like you have to maintain a streak daily if you want to master some skills like coding, you need to maintain a streak in controlling your mind too. By practicing the happy, energetic and positive mindset, you'll stay happy all the time, everyday.

You might become an entrepreneur if you use your skills and build something to help the world. You'll not be limited to one particular skill. If you keep on working hard and stay focused on your goals daily, each and every moment, old negative thinking patterns will start to fade away.

So there you go. Now you have a big list of things you can do instead of watching porn or doing any other addictive activity. Start from today, start doing a listed thing or learn how to do it. Soon, you'll improve a lot and make your life much more happy and productive.

If you ever feel demotivated, you have to keep in mind that the feeling of demotivation is just a feeling and a state of mind and it will be temporary.

Don't go back to your old habits just because of less energy and demotivation. You'll thank yourself later if you stay strong during the days when you feel the lowest.

If you work on improving your mind control skills, you'll start to feel more energy day by day and proper control of energy and thoughts is all you need to stay addiction and stress free. You can master your energy and use it where you actually need it like skill development or using it for thought and habit control.
